Franked Mail In Post Box

Frank Warren (@postsecret) is founder of PostSecret, an art project inviting strangers to anonymously mail in their secrets on homemade postcards. What started as a passion project quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. has become the largest ad-free blog in the world with over 800,000,000 visitors and has evolved into six New York Times bestsellers, a viral TED Talk, a MOMA and Smithsonian exhibit, and hundreds of PostSecret Live events. Frank has received over 1,000,000 postcards mailed to him from around the world.

From a sunny balcony in San Diego overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Frank Warren and I uncover and discuss his three most formative books and pull out the resonant themes affecting us all. How do we give people a voice? In a flattening world, how do we build trust with new people? And what are the lessons we can take and apply to our own lives from these three life-changing books?

Listen to Chapter 2:

Can You Put Franked Mail In Post Box

Jan 20, 2021 Do not clog up the post box. Guidelines recommend placing a maximum of 30 letters per bundle into a pillar box/post on the day of franking prior the collection time. Separate your mail by class Please separate franked mail into bundles of 1St Class, 2nd Class or International as it means less manual intervention during the sortation process. Franking is a pre-paid postage option where a franking mark is printed directly onto the envelope or a label (for parcels). It's a flexible way to pay for postage, you can manage your spend and give your mail a professional image. Ready to get started? Find a franking provider.

  1. Nov 03, 2013 This Site Might Help You. RE: i accidentally put my normal post in a Franked mail post box? I put a free post jobcentre letter in the Franked mail only postbox last week, will it still send.the lady at the post office said it 'should' do but 'should' isnt good enough for me to believe.
  2. Offering low-cost Mailmark franking machines, sending letters & parcels has never been easier! Mailcoms is the UK's best franking machine supplier.

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What You'll Learn:

  • The somewhat embarrassing strategy I first used to connect with Frank

  • What was the first book to give voice to 'the people' versus the power?

  • How did Frank become 'America's Most Trusted Stranger'?

  • What are 2-3 specific suggestions Frank shares to help us build trust with new people?

  • How do we learn to become better storytellers?

notable quotes from frank warren:


Resources Mentioned:

  • We reveal Frank's first book [7:54]

  • We reveal Frank's second book [20:28]

  • We reveal Frank's third book [28:12]

  • Hard Timesby Charles Dickens

  • Youtube video: On how I approach strangers in the street | Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton | UCD, Dublin

  • The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

  • The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

  • Eyebeam for mac download free. The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson

  • Osirix free download for mac. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • 1984 by George Orwell

  • One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

  • The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

  • Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon

  • Moby Dick by Herman Melville

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Posting franked mail – franking mistakes & how to avoid them…

While franking machines are relatively straightforward to use and can save you a tremendous amount on your business mail and postage, it doesn’t mean that mistakes cannot be made.

A lot of businesses are aware of the tremendous discounts franking machines can provide over stamps, but – even with the franking machine – human error can still occur, especially if you are processing a large amount of mail on a daily, weekly or monthly basis!

But when a franking problem occurs – what can you do and can you rectify the problem?

We’ll take a look at some of the top franking issues, including how to rectify them, avoid them and ensure posting franked mail is as easy as possible:

Posting franked mail with the wrong date.

If you have put the wrong date on your mail, you have two options:

If you have a Royal Mail Mailmark franking machine, you can cross out the incorrect date with black ink, choose ‘Zero test print’ and check the date is correct, then re-frank your mail with the correct date either on the bottom left hand corner or shorter edge of the envelope. If you are using a label, place it on your mail to the left of the original mark.

How to clean others in phone storage. If you are not using a Royal Mail Mailmark franking machine but a standard franking machine, cross out the incorrect data with black ink, change the date on your franking machine and set the postage to £0.00. Then re-frank the envelope with the correct date on the bottom left hand corner or shorter edge of your mail.


Alternatively, frank a label with the correct date and £0.00 postage then put the label on the original envelope so that it covers up the incorrect date but doesn’t hide the tariff you already paid.

Processing right away and not franking everything in one go.

Don’t start processing your mail as soon as you receive it, especially if you post mail internationally. Instead, make sure you separate your mail into the different classes if you are planning to send different items via 1st class or 2nd class.

Franked Mail In Post Box Sizes

Once you have organised your mail into 1st and 2nd class, do it all in one go. This will ensure all your mail is sent, saving you time and ensuring nothing is left behind, as well as save you money on ink, letters and other supplies.

Underpaid postage.

If you ever under pay for your franked mail, just add another impression with the correct amount to the bottom left hand corner. You can also frank a label with the missing amount and put that on the envelope next to the original franking impression.

Overpaid postage.

If you have overpaid, don’t post it. Take out the contents and apply the correct postage tariff to a new envelope or package. Any unused franks can be sent to Royal Mail and, providing your total claim is at least £10.00 and all impressions are clear, readable and made within six months of the date, a full refund will be given – minus a 15% administration fee.

Missed the last post.

If you have missed the last post or collection time and your mail is already franked, you can re-frank your mail with the following day’s date or hold onto the items and post them the next day. For urgent mail, you can put your franked mail inside a late posting envelope (available from your franking machine supplier), but according to the Royal Mail, you are limited to using one ‘late posting envelope’ each day with a limit of 30 letters. Finally, if you post your franked mail after the final collection time, it will not be processed until the following day.

Usps Franked Mail

Sending everything via the postbox

If you have a lot of mail to send, you can save time and effort by using mail bags. If you post less than thirty items you can post your franked mail in normal postboxes providing you use an outer supplied by your franking manufacturer or independent provider. If you have more than thirty items, you can post your mail via the post office, royal mail delivery offices, mail centres and business postboxes.

Not monitoring your postage

How much are you spending on postage? Are you choosing the right postage option? Are you overpaying on your post? More sophisticated franking machines come with built-in reporting to track your cost centres. With these tools, you can get a clear view of your franking expenditure over a daily, weekly or monthly period and start to optimise your franking process to reduce your overall costs. Our F series franking machines, for example, can readily track cost centres and come with integrated reporting to track your expenditure.

Not presenting your post correctly

If you are posting or dropping off franked mail, make sure your post is presented correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Sort your franked mail into class, size and destination.
  2. Use red pouches for first class, green for second class, and white for international mail
  3. If you have a lot of mail, use mail bags (provided by Royal Mail) and place them into the right bag depending on their mail class.

Following our tips should ensure that you don’t fall victim to the most common franking mistakes. However, if you are still having trouble or require more support with your franking, why not get in touch and see how one of our expert team can help?

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