Legend Maker

Generating legends flexibly in Matplotlib.

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  2. Dog Soldier Legend Maker Rifle

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This legend guide is an extension of the documentation available atlegend() - please ensure you are familiar withcontents of that documentation before proceeding with this guide.

This guide makes use of some common terms, which are documented here forclarity:

legend entry
A legend is made up of one or more legend entries. An entry is made upof exactly one key and one label.
legend key
The colored/patterned marker to the left of each legend label.
legend label
The text which describes the handle represented by the key.
legend handle
The original object which is used to generate an appropriate entry inthe legend.

Controlling the legend entries¶

Calling legend() with no arguments automatically fetches the legendhandles and their associated labels. This functionality is equivalent to:

The get_legend_handles_labels() function returnsa list of handles/artists which exist on the Axes which can be used togenerate entries for the resulting legend - it is worth noting however thatnot all artists can be added to a legend, at which point a 'proxy' will haveto be created (see Creating artists specifically for adding to the legend (aka. Proxy artists) for further details).

Those artists with an empty string as label or with a label starting with'_' will be ignored.

Legend Maker Booster Pack

For full control of what is being added to the legend, it is common to passthe appropriate handles directly to legend():

In some cases, it is not possible to set the label of the handle, so it ispossible to pass through the list of labels to legend():

Legend Maker

Creating artists specifically for adding to the legend (aka. Proxy artists)¶

Not all handles can be turned into legend entries automatically,so it is often necessary to create an artist which can. Legend handlesdon't have to exist on the Figure or Axes in order to be used.

Suppose we wanted to create a legend which has an entry for some data whichis represented by a red color:

Dog Soldier Legend Maker Rifle

There are many supported legend handles. Instead of creating a patch of colorwe could have created a line with a marker:

Legend location¶

The location of the legend can be specified by the keyword argumentloc. Please see the documentation at legend() for more details.

The bbox_to_anchor keyword gives a great degree of control for manuallegend placement. For example, if you want your axes legend located at thefigure's top right-hand corner instead of the axes' corner, simply specifythe corner's location and the coordinate system of that location:

More examples of custom legend placement:

Multiple legends on the same Axes¶

Sometimes it is more clear to split legend entries across multiplelegends. Whilst the instinctive approach to doing this might be to callthe legend() function multiple times, you will find that only onelegend ever exists on the Axes. This has been done so that it is possibleto call legend() repeatedly to update the legend to the latesthandles on the Axes. To keep old legend instances, we must add themmanually to the Axes:

Legend Handlers¶

In order to create legend entries, handles are given as an argument to anappropriate HandlerBase subclass.The choice of handler subclass is determined by the following rules:

  1. Update get_legend_handler_map()with the value in the handler_map keyword.
  2. Check if the handle is in the newly created handler_map.
  3. Check if the type of handle is in the newly created handler_map.
  4. Check if any of the types in the handle's mro is in the newlycreated handler_map.

For completeness, this logic is mostly implemented inget_legend_handler().

All of this flexibility means that we have the necessary hooks to implementcustom handlers for our own type of legend key.

The simplest example of using custom handlers is to instantiate one of theexisting legend_handler.HandlerBase subclasses. For thesake of simplicity, let's choose legend_handler.HandlerLine2Dwhich accepts a numpoints argument (numpoints is also a keywordon the legend() function for convenience). We can then pass the mappingof instance to Handler as a keyword to legend.


As you can see, 'Line 1' now has 4 marker points, where 'Line 2' has 2 (thedefault). Try the above code, only change the map's key from line1 totype(line1). Notice how now both Line2D instances get 4 markers.

Along with handlers for complex plot types such as errorbars, stem plotsand histograms, the default handler_map has a special tuple handler(legend_handler.HandlerTuple) which simply plots the handles on top of oneanother for each item in the given tuple. The following example demonstratescombining two legend keys on top of one another:


The legend_handler.HandlerTuple class can also be used toassign several legend keys to the same entry:

Implementing a custom legend handler¶

A custom handler can be implemented to turn any handle into a legend key(handles don't necessarily need to be matplotlib artists). The handler mustimplement a legend_artist method which returns a single artist for thelegend to use. The required signature for legend_artist is documented atlegend_artist.


Alternatively, had we wanted to globally accept AnyObject instanceswithout needing to manually set the handler_map keyword all the time, wecould have registered the new handler with: Chrome 87 beta.

Whilst the power here is clear, remember that there are already many handlersimplemented and what you want to achieve may already be easily possible withexisting classes. For example, to produce elliptical legend keys, rather thanrectangular ones:


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.594 seconds)

Keywords: matplotlib code example, codex, python plot, pyplotGallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery

A high-side p-channel MOSFET and a low-side n-channel MOSFET tied with common drains (Figure 5) make a superb high-current ªCMOS equivalentº switch. One fault common to such circuits has been the excessive crossover current during switching that may occur if the gate drive allows both MOSFETs to be on simultaneously. Common p channel mosfet. MOSFET – P-Channel, POWERTRENCH, Common Drain: 1.5 V, WLCSP-20 V, -3 A, 126 m FDZ1905PZ General Description This device is designed specifically as a single package solution for the battery charge switch in cellular handset and other ultra−portable applications. It features two common drain P−channel MOSFETs. An P-Channel MOSFET is made up of a P channel, which is a channel composed of a majority of hole current carriers. The gate terminals are made up of N-type material. Depending on the voltage quantity and type (negative or positive) determines how the transistor operates and whether it turns on or off. How a P-Channel Enhancement-type MOSFET Works. TO-92-3 P-Channel MOSFET are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for TO-92-3 P-Channel MOSFET.