Wordpress Booking System


Booking Calendar plugin is an nice and user friendly tool for creating reservation systems for your WordPress website. Create any type of scheduling calendar just in a few minutes.
There is a lot of settings and useful functions that you can use.

View our plugin Demo pages:

Our plugin have a lot of great features that you will like. Below we described some of useful features of our plugin.

Features of Free version

  • Easy install and use
  • Works great with all WordPress versions
  • Fully Responsive
  • Unlimited Forms and Extras
  • Reservation Calendars in Widgets
  • Ability to set days availability(Available, Booked, Unavailable) and Price
  • Ability to change Date format, Week days format
  • Ability to set Start Day of the week
  • Ability to select Unavailable week days
  • Ability to change days selection type(Multiple days or Single day selection)
  • Ability to show/hide “Check in/Check out”, “Number of items”, Form and Extras titles
  • Ability to send email notification to user and administrator after book request submited or approved
  • Ability to send email notification to user after book request canceled or deleted(rejected)
  • Ability to add unlimited text, checkbox, select and TextArea fields to the Form
  • Filters for searching reservations
  • Reservation single View
  • Ability to set Multiple choice for select field
  • Ability to set Required option for each field in form
  • Ability to create unlimited Themes
  • Ability to approve book request instantly
  • Ability to set scroll offset
  • Ability to change the currency and default texts
  • Ability to Enable/Disable Terms & Conditions
  • Ability to show day info on hover for widget
  • Uses CSS3
  • User friendly back-end
  • Tested on popular WordPress themes

You can upgrade the free version to Pro version to add some great features. Capture one external hard drive.

Features of Pro version

WordPress Online Booking and Scheduling Plugin – Bookly. Bookly is a booking plugin for WordPress for building an advanced automated online scheduling system. A filterable and searchable booking management module on the backend of your WordPress website. Features for customizing your schedule, such as removing holidays and setting some free time in-between appointments. Email confirmations and reminders for both the admins and the users. CheckFront and CheckFront WordPress Booking Plugin is an incredible WordPress booking plugin that adds easy to use and manage appointment booking management system to your WordPress website. The plugin is a feature-rich one stop solution for your appointment booking requirements. Focus on your work, and forget about having to pay assistants. Amelia WordPress booking plugin will fully automate the interaction with potential customers, help them pick the right service and employee, take care of the payments, real-time SMS reminders both for the customer and employee for booked, canceled or rescheduled appointments. The MotoPress WordPress Hotel Booking plugin is an all-in-one property management suite for rental property websites. List unlimited accommodations and services, accept direct online reservations, synchronize all bookings across OTAs and more (no per-booking or per-property commission).

  • Fully design customization
  • Ability to book events by hours
  • User permissions
  • Ability to set day Marked Price
  • Operation type(+/-) for Extra fields
  • Price type(price/percent) for Extra fields
  • Ability to change price and percent for Extra field
  • Reservation Month View
  • Ability to redirect visitor to a new page after submission
  • Ability to add Information for users and administrators
  • Ability to set Maximum width
  • Ability to change font size, font weight and font style of elements
  • Ability to set Info Border radius, default Year and Month, background color, all fields background colors, text colors

Features of Extended version

  • Multi-User functionality
  • Different values for different days of week
  • Google ReCaptcha
  • Ability to use Discount option depending on the days
  • Minumum day(hour) value
  • Maximum day(hour) value
  • Ability to edit Reservations from admin panel
  • Payment System
  • Pay in cash functionality
  • Integrated with PayPal

If you have any type of question occuring our plugin contact us at our plugin SUPPORT FORUM.

This plugin is one of the most important tool for any reservation website. Scheduling engine is an handy tool for creating any type of Scheduling system(for example Hotel and Restaurant booking, salon booking, meeting room booking, travel and tour shedulding, service and seat shedulding, car rent, event booking …).
You can also use our plugin for cottages, hotel rooms, houses, villas, apartments, bikes, technics, pools, beauty salons, spas, massage therapists, coaching, phone advice, consultation, conference, course, fitness center, yoga class or gym reservations. Our plugin will be helpful if you have one of this professions – doctor, dentists, clinic, medical, photographer, lawyer etc.

Wordpress booking system

Step by step guide

Calendars Page

On this page you can add new Scheduling Calendars, edit or delete existing.
Click “Add” to create new one.
Type the name. Then choose Theme,Form and Extra.

Wordpress Booking System With Payment

Then select the date(click on the start date, then click on the end date, if you need to select days from next months as well, then click on start date and change month from top and then select the end date)
After you selected date you will see this options

  • Set days availability – Set days status using this option(Available, Booked, Unavailable).
  • Number Available – Set the number for available things(rooms, place or anything that users should book) in a day.
  • Price – Type the price for one day.
  • Marked Price – Type the marked price for one day.
  • Information for users – Type here information for your users(they will see it on front-end).
  • Information for administrators – Type here information for administrators(administrators will see it from admin panel).

Reservations Page

On this page you can Approve, Reject, Cancel, Delete or just view Reservations.

First you need to select the calendar you want to check(from top).
Then you need to select the reservation and then change the status(also, you can select several reservations and then change their statuses from top).
If you want to see details then open it from top right side.

You can use filters page to find reservations you need quickly and easier. Use the Status, select the Period or use search field.
Also, use the Month View, we think it’s an handy function.

Forms Page

On this page you can add new Forms, edit or delete existing Forms.
Click “Add Form” to create new Form.
Type new form name. Then click on “Plus” button to add new fields or edit the default existing fields.

You can add 4 different type of fields. You can add simple text field, TextArea, Checkbox and Select fields.
Open the field option from left for editing texts or selecting option.

Don’t forget to save the new form that you have created.

Extras Page

On this page you can add new Extras, edit or delete existing Extras.
Click “Add Extra” to create new Extra.
Type new extra name. Then click on “Plus” button to add new Extra fields or edit the default existing Extra fields.

Abigail ratchford twitter

Open the extra field option from left, then set the option or remove the Items.
Also, check the options for every item. Type the Label, choose the Operation type, choose Price type, type the Price/Percent.

Save the new Extra field.

Supermarket Checkout System

Themes Page

On this page you can add new Themes, edit or delete existing Themes.
Click “Add Theme” to create new Theme.
Type new theme name.

Then edit the General options.
You can set a different options for theme from this page such as Date format, Week days format, Start Day of the week, Enable instant approval and other options .
Options like

Then open Styles and Colors tab and configure some design options.
You can set the Maximum width, font sizes, colors, background color and other design settings.

Then open Notifications tab and configure it.
From here you can edit(disable) all notifications that users or administrator will receive.

Then open Default Texts tab and configure it.
You can change the default texts from here.

At the end save the new Theme.

User permissions Page

On this page you can set your users permissions.
You can change users permission for our plugin all pages.
For example if you set user permission for Forms page to “Editor” Role, then all users that have this Role can get access for this page.

Uninstall Page

On this page you can remove our plugin, but if you uninstall the plugin this way then you will delete all Database Tables.
If you think that you can use our plugin in future then don’t use this page for uninstalling our plugin(use the WordPress plugins standard page for removing the plugin).

Featured Plugins Page

On this page you can check our Featured plugins.

If you have any type of question occuring our plugin contact us at our plugin SUPPORT FORUM.


First of all download the plugin ZIP file.

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to your Plugins page, then click Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Click “Choose file” then select the WordPress Booking Calendar plugin zip file.
  4. After that Install and activate our plugin.


Our plugin is an user friendly tool, but here you can check some frequently asked questions.

How I need to add days

If you need to select several days then click on the starting date, then click on the end date.
If you need to select several months, then click on the starting date, then change month from top, then click on the end date.
If you need to select one day, then you should click twice on date you need.

How to add hours

First of all you need to go to the Theme Settings admin page. Edit the existing theme or create new one. Find this option from General settings Tab – “Enable Hours” and activate it. Then use the default hours or create hours yourself, after that save the theme.
Then go to calendars page and edit the existing or create new one. After that choose the hours theme you created and configure the other settings.

How should I set the Notifications

You need to configure the notifications from our plugin Themes page. Go to Themes page, then open the Notifications tab and configure it.

I don’t get any Notification

Make sure that you have filled all field in Notification settings page. If after that you still have any issue with Notifications, then contact us and we will fix it.

I need to set different prices and other settings for different days

You can do that with our plugin. Select days then set the options for selected date. Then click Apply.
Then select another date again and set the option for this date. In this way you can set any option for any date.

Also, for example, if you need to set different option for only one day in month or year, then you need to select the hole month or year, then set the options and click Apply.
Then you need to select the day you need and set the option.

The configured days are editable as well.

How many Themes I can create

You can create as many themes as you need.

How many Forms I can create

You can create as many forms as you need.

How many Extras I can create

You can create as many extras as you need.

I don’t receive notifications

You need to type the emails and message boxes, after that notifications should work correctly.
If after that you still have any issue with notifications, then contact us and we will fix the problem.

What payment methods the plugin support

Our plugin supports PayPal payments, that’s mean users can also use their credit cards when they pay via PayPal.

Wordpress Booking Widget

What files I need to upload for installing the plugin

You need to select the .zip file only, there is no need to extract the zip file, just upload it

I purchased the pro version, but didn’t download the pro file

Contact us at support@wpdevart.com and we will send you the pro version.

How should I add Hours

First you need to select the “Enable Hours” option from Theme settings page(from General tabe).
Then add default hours or add single hour as you need. After that configure the other options. Then create new calendar and select the new created Hours theme.

The pro version is one time pay or not

Yes dear users, you need to pay only one time for our pro version.


This plugin does a lot of things and is easy to use. The Premium Support is top, fast and efficient and solves problems. Many thanks.