Map Of Reflexology Foot

  • Reflexology Chart of the Hand. Reflexology by understanding the theory of ten invisible zones in the body, location of various reflex points in hands, feet and other parts of the body and the technique of applying pressure on these points. Just like the Reflexology chart of the hand, we have included the Reflexology chart of the foot.
  • Foot reflexology map. A good example of a reflexology map exists for the feet. Each foot represents a vertical half of the body: The left foot corresponds to the left side of.

In this article:
What Is Foot Reflexology ?
How Does Foot Reflexology Work?
Health Benefits of a Foot Reflexology Massage
Foot Reflexology Precautions
What Else Should You Know About Foot Reflexology?

In her research with zone therapy's pressure points, she found the feet to be the most sensitive and responsive. She developed the foot maps and reflexology charts still in use today and introduced reflexology practices to the non-medical community in the 1930s. Paul Nogier recorded a reflex map of points on the outer ear.

What Is Foot Reflexology ?

Foot reflexology is an alternative therapy that enhances the distinctive healing mechanisms of the body. It involves pressure to specific reflex points on the feet using certain hand, finger, or thumb techniques. Reflexology is based on the premise that internal organs, bones, and body systems can be positively influenced from properly applying pressure to the points on the feet, ears, or hands.

Reflexology shows that there is much more to that good old-fashioned foot rub you give your spouse on their birthday. In fact, the art of foot reflexology massage is an ancient practice that dates back to Egypt and China over 5,000 years ago. A pictograph on the Egyptian tomb of Ankhmahor is thought to be one of the first recordings of the foot reflexology points.

In 1913, William H. Fitzgerald introduced reflexology to the U.S. Since that time, reflexology has become a popular form of alternative therapy around the world.

Nowadays, reflexology is common practice. I wouldn’t be surprised if your massage therapist uses the therapeutic pressure technique during your next massage session. Many massage therapists are also trained to perform reflexology.

How Does Foot Reflexology Work?

What is foot reflexology and how does it work? Reflexology works to restore the body’s health. According to reflexology, there are different reflex zones throughout the body. In total there are 10 zones on the body; five on the front and five on the back. Points on the bottom of the feet represent each zone. For instance, foot reflexology points on your toes are representative of the brain.


The foot reflexology chart, or map of reflex points, will help represent how certain body parts correspond to others. Each foot represents one half of the body. For example, the liver is on the right side of the body, and therefore the right foot is the corresponding reflex area. A reflexology appointment may include a general, integrated session, or it may focus on certain trouble areas at the ears, hands, and feet. When someone just wants to relax, they may want to just focus on the ears.

Reflexology works to help release stress. As a result, the body will heal and regenerate itself. Throughout the years, certain theories have helped explain reflexology:

  • Reflexology works on the central nervous system: This theory is based on research that explains the neurological relationship between internal organs and the skin, and that the entire nervous system adjusts when stimulated. When pressure is made to the ears, hands, and feet, a calming message is sent to the central nervous system. As a result, overall relaxation helps the organs function at their best.
  • The neuromatrix theory of pain: This theory suggests that pain is simply subjective. In other words, the brain responds to the sensory experience of pain, but it can also work in response to cognitive or emotional factors. As a result, reflexology may decrease pain by improving mood and reducing stress.
  • Theory of vital energy: When stress is not addressed, there is energy congestion, and inefficiencies in the body will lead to illnesses. Reflexology will allow energy to flow freely.

Health Benefits of a Foot Reflexology Massage

Reflexology is not a diagnostic or curative procedure. Instead, it is used to complement a variety of health conditions. After one or two foot reflexology sessions you will begin to notice results. That being said, one session per week for four to five straight weeks is the general recommendation. At the end of the sessions the reflexologist will assess the client’s improvement. Reflexology is a lot more than a foot massage. Besides relaxation, there are a number of health benefits of a foot reflexology massage:

1. Cancer: There are a number of studies that show how reflexology can help reduce cancer treatment symptoms, including nausea, pain, constipation or diarrhea. In a study published in the journal Nursing Standard in 2000, researchers found that reflexology can benefit patients during the palliative care stage of cancer. Also, a study published in the Oncology Nursing Forum in 2000 found that reflexology could significantly reduce anxiety in breast and lung cancer patients.

2. Arthritis: Foot reflexology benefits have also been used for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In the U.S., osteoarthritis affects over 50 million people, and it is more common than rheumatoid arthritis. Several studies suggest that reflexology can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. In a study published in the Journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2013, researchers from the University of Portsmouth found that reflexology may be as effective as painkillers for osteoarthritis. The patients had felt approximately 40% less pain.

3. Hypertension: Reflexology has been found to reduce hypertension—a common risk of heart disease. In a Korean study from 2004, researchers found that a foot reflexology massage could effectively reduce systolic blood pressure. For the study, 34 participants were either assigned to the reflexology group or the control group. Reflexology was performed twice weekly for a six-week period.

4. Type 2 diabetes:Diabetes is a serious health issue that produces high blood sugar levels. In a recent systematic review published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, researchers concluded that self-administered foot reflexology might have a positive effect in type 2 diabetics.

5. Migraine and tension headaches: Foot reflexology massage can also effectively reduce tension and migraine headaches. A blind, randomized trial from 2000 found that a foot reflexology massage was as effective as a drug called flunarizine, which is used to prevent migraine headaches. The study examined 32 headache patients after a foot reflexology massage session, and again after a three-month follow-up.

6. Anxiety and depression:Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems. The relaxation benefits of reflexology tend to extend beyond massages. For example, a 2002 study published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics found that a foot massage and reflexology could decrease depression and anxiety in postmenopausal women.

7. Multiple sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a progressive and chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system. A small study published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research in the spring of 2015 found that reflexology decreases fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis. Other evidence suggests that reflexology may reduce the tingling associated with multiple sclerosis.

8. Sinusitis: Sinusitis is a chronic or acute condition often caused by another respiratory infection like the flu, a cold, or bronchitis. In a randomized, controlled study presented at the 2002 American Academy of Otolaryngology, researchers found that reflexology and nasal irrigation procedures improved chronic sinusitis in 150 patients.

9. Circulation: Foot reflexology massage is also known to improve blood circulation in the feet and throughout the body. Gently stroking the feet, fingers, and hands will significantly improve blood flow to the vital organs. Blood will deliver nutrients and oxygen to your organs, thereby nourishing your body tissues. A foot reflexology massage before bed can improve circulation in the lower extremities.

10. Eliminates toxins: Toxins are everywhere these days from processed foods to cosmetics. That is why it is important to have a healthy urinary system. Reflexology has effectively reduced urinary tract issues and improved bladder function. Basically, reflexology can efficiently eliminate toxins from the body and protect the body from various conditions that result from an impaired urinary system.

Foot reflexology massage can also help treat symptoms of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), kidney stones, constipation, backaches and restless leg syndrome. The therapy can also improve memory, manage diabetic neuropathy and ease symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Foot Reflexology Precautions

Although reflexology is very effective, there are reflexology precautions to consider. People with certain health conditions such as varicose veins, ingrown toenails, extreme edema, bruises, cuts, foot fractures, athlete’s foot, and infections or sores should avoid foot reflexology massages. The reflexologist will likely ask you about your current health problems before you schedule an appointment.

What Else Should You Know About Foot Reflexology?


What else should you know about foot reflexology massages, especially if you are new to the practice? On average, a foot reflexology massage will cost about $30 for a one hour session. There are also certain principles associated with reflexology:

  • A reflexologist does not heal the client; however, they help the body repair itself.
  • Reflexology recognizes all aspects of a person’s wellbeing, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of health.
  • The reflexologist and client may feel the energy from the ears, hands, or feet move throughout the body.
  • Aromatherapy with essential oils may also complement a foot reflexology massage session.

Read Next :

Sources for Today’s Article:
Hodgekiss, A., “Reflexology may be as effective as painkillers for conditions such as back ache and arthritis,” DailyMail web site, April 9, 2013;
Park, H.S., et al., “[Effects of foot reflexology on essential hypertension patients],” Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi, 2004; 34(5): 739-750.
Song, H.J., et al., “Self-administered foot reflexology for the management of chronic health conditions: a systematic review,” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2015; 21(2): 69-76, doi: 10.1089/acm.2014.0166.Epub, January 30, 2015.
“What Does the Research Say about Reflexology?” University of Minnesota web site;, last accessed December 4, 2015.
Nazari, F., et al., “Comparing the effects of reflexology and relaxation on fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis,” Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2015; 20(2): 200-204.
Yadev, V., et al., “Summary of evidence-based guideline: complementary and alternative medicine in multiple sclerosis: report of the guideline development subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology,” Neurology, 2014; 82(12): 1083-1092, doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000250.
“Benefits of Reflexology,” Organic Facts web site;, last accessed December 4, 2015.
“How Does Reflexology Work?” University of Minnesota web site;, last accessed December 4, 2015.
“What is reflexology?” University of Minnesota web site;, last accessed December 4, 2015.

To give a foot massage, that is based on this map, you must know the pressure points. The basic principle is simple,applying pressure to the points that the map shows as appropriate, stimulate the central nervous system. The foot reflexology is used by the best masseuses who know the map used for this therapy Foot. Therefore, it has produced a practical guide to enable any beginner to massage these features.

Reflexology points on the feet

(Foot Reflexology Chart: FEET MAP)

Foot Reflexology Chart Map

To perform a massage based on this technique, follow these guidelines:

  1. The massage should be performed on the reflex zones of the foot, for those who want to treat bodies.
    In reflexology, it is understood that the foot and their ends are connected to each organ in the body.
  2. You should apply intermittent pressure on points that the foot reflexology map shows as correct.
  3. To relax the foot during application of pressure, massage or should move in circles from the ankle joint, to cause optimum relaxation.

In short, it is detected early using the map, the area to be treated and try to apply pressure, mild to moderate for the duration of the massage.

Reflexology, Acupressure, Acupuncture, and Massage have a common origin and modality. They all use the concept of stimulating pressure points in various locations of the body to relieve stress and/or to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. These points can be the actual locations of discomfort, may be associated with “meridians” (energy lines) through the body, or maybe the projections of the other anatomical parts of the body on the ear, hand, or foot. This concept of using pressure on various parts of the body dates back to as early as those that practiced acupressure in China over 2000 years ago. Those in western medicine followed much later. One, often mentioned, is Dr. Paul Nogier of Lyon, France who, in the 1950’s mapped the pressure points of the ears. As time followed others elaborated on these early works and a wide variety of “maps” are presently available. In many ways the mappings are similar but there are some differences.

Reflex Chart

The Reflexology maps are based on the concept that the ear, foot, or hand are connected to all the other parts of the body through the nervous system or “energy” system and thus become a reflection or snapshot of the entire body. Interestingly, Dr. Nogier put forth the concept that the ear can be mapped by comparing to a baby curled into the fetal position. Others suggest that you have to make some exceptions with this comparison but we have included both images for your own study.

The techniques for stimulating these pressure points vary widely. Acupuncture, of course, uses a needle inserted and manipulated to stimulate the pressure point. Magnets are used by some. Acupressure, Massage, and Reflexology all use manual pressure on various points to promote stimulation.

The charts available through the tabs at the top of this page (feet, hands, and ears) were developed by comparing a number of sources and looking for the commonality among them. They can generally be regarded as a merging of Chinese mappings with additions from the more recent French studies. The graphics were developed to make it easy for the reader to quickly find the pressure points of interest. By clicking on the charts themselves you will have access to a high-resolution chart that can be printed for handy personal use or to pass on to others.

The following chart shows many of the reflexology points on the feet.

A reflexology foot graph is a usually utilized apparatus in complimentary medication with reflexology getting progressively famous for decreasing agony and stress.

Reflexology isn’t only an “elegant” word for a foot rub, it is considerably more mind-boggling than simply scouring the feet!

Reflexology depends on the rule that the hands and feet are comprised of zones that mirror the various organs, body parts, and frameworks, known as reflex territories.

By animating these reflex territories, most usually utilizing explicit back rub procedures, you can lessen pressure and agony in the related pieces of the body and advance general prosperity by improving the flow of blood and vitality.

Reflexology can be utilized to treat an assortment of side effects including cerebral pains, sinus issues and stomach issues.

Here we will take a gander at what reflexology is, the manner by which it began, how it works, what a reflexology foot outline resembles, the advantages of reflexology, the logical research behind it, the advantages and dangers and why reflexology ought to be utilized close by ordinary medication as opposed to as another option.

What Is Reflexology?

The American Reflexology Certification Board characterizes reflexology as “a non-intrusive, corresponding work on including thumb and finger strategies to apply rotating strain to reflexes appeared on reflex maps of the body situated on the feet, hands and external ears”.

Basically, reflexology is tied in with applying strain to explicit regions of the feet, hands, and ears guided by a reflexology foot diagram or hand map.

With reflexology, consistent weight is applied, ordinarily switching back and forth among finger and thumb strain to the hands and feet. It’s anything but an instance of basically scouring or rubbing the foot, it’s tied in with applying pressure in the correct path to the correct regions.

It might be profound weight through the curve of the foot, “thumb strolling” through the various zones from a reflexology foot graph, delicate plying through the chunk of the foot, or one of the different strategies reflexologists use.

Some reflexologists may likewise utilize different things, for example, elastic groups, balls, and sticks to help them in their work.

The Origins of Reflexology

The roots of reflexology can be followed back around 5000 years to Egypt and China. Hieroglyphics found in a pyramid in Egypt going back to 2330 BC show reflexology as a feature of Egyptian culture around then.

Before the finish of the fourteenth century a rendition is known as “reflex zone treatment” was being utilized all through Europe. In zone treatment, the body is isolated into ten longitudinal zones (five on each side of the body).

Each zone runs down the body, veers into one of the arms, and proceeds with straight down through the body and into the specific leg, right to the individual foot to agree with a specific toe.

Three transverse lines were later presented, isolating the body evenly just as vertically.

Present-day reflexology created in the mid-twentieth century generally because of crafted by Dr William Fitzgerald and physiotherapist Eunice Ingham, who are viewed as the dad and mother of reflexology.

Their works incredibly expanded comprehension of how reflexology functions. They based on the hypothesis of zone treatment by mapping the whole body into “reflexes” on the feet prompting the main reflexology foot outline.

How Does Reflexology Work?

Reflexology professes to take a shot at the hypothesis of Qi (articulated Chee) – an undetectable vitality field or life power that courses through the various direct or zones in the body. The hypothesis is that if your Qi is disturbed or hindered through pressure, injury, ailment, harmfulness, or blockage then the body gets uneven, unfit to mend itself, and agony can create.

Reflexology intends to evacuate any blockages and permit Qi to stream openly through the entire body until a condition of parity, known as homeostasis, is accomplished.

By invigorating various zones from a reflexology foot diagram, reflexologists improve the progression of vitality to the connected body part and reestablish the equalization and stream of Qi. This permits a covert government of unwinding which empowers the body to mend itself. Reflexology additionally delivers endorphins, synthetic compounds which help to decrease agony and stress.

What Is A Reflexology Foot Chart?

Envision a guide of your entire body anticipated onto your foot – that is basically what a reflexology foot outline or guide is. Each piece of the body is spoken to on a specific piece of one of the two feet.

It’s not as straightforward as drawing a body on your foot, rather the size, position, and scale is modified for example the sinuses are connected to the tips of every one of the toes and the knee is connected to the part of the external fringe of the underside of the foot.

One reflexology foot outline may appear to be somewhat unique to another, however, every one of the organs and body parts will be spoken to in comparative positions. Some reflexology foot maps are more point by point than others which represents a large number of the distinctions.

Advantages of Reflexology

Reflexologists guarantee that by controlling the feet, as guided by a reflexology foot graph, they can:

  • Parity Energy: the progression of Qi all through the body
  • Improve Circulation: of blood, supplements and nerve signals
  • Improve Health: support the invulnerable framework
  • Advance Healing
  • Purify The Body: from different poisons
  • Discharge Endorphins: a compound which helps to diminish agony and stress
  • Advanced Relaxation

Reflexology is getting expanding famous as it is viewed as a safe, non-intrusive, characteristic treatment, without the requirement for medications or synthetic substances. It is likewise simple to gain proficiency with the methods and self-apply anyplace, whenever, all you need is some straightforward guidance and a reflexology foot outline.

Logical Evidence For Reflexology

Reflexology Map Of Right Foot

Some reflexologists guarantee that by treating individuals utilizing the focuses from a reflexology foot outline as a guide, they can treat an assortment of ailments, for example, diabetes, asthma and malignant growth, however, there is no vigorous logical information to demonstrate these cases.

Be that as it may, a few investigations (subsidized by the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute) have demonstrated that reflexology may lessen torment and in this manner decline the measure of agony drug expected, help to improve mental conditions, for example, sadness and tension, and upgrade unwinding and rest.

Map Of Your Foot Reflexology

Reflexology has likewise been found to decrease the power of work torments and to be a useful extra with malignant growth patients during palliative consideration.

Free reflexology charts to print

Is Reflexology Safe?

Animating the various zones from a reflexology foot diagram is commonly viewed as sheltered, yet reflexology ought not to be utilized in the accompanying examples:

  • During Pregnancy: as it hasn’t be demonstrated that it doesn’t expand the danger of unnatural birth cycle
  • Skin Conditions: any infectious ailments or diseases on the feet or hands, for example, dermatitis, psoriasis or chickenpox
  • Confined Inflammation: expanding of the feet or hands
  • Confined Injury: cracks, unhealed injuries or gout
  • Disease: If you are unwell because of contamination, have a temperature, looseness of the bowels or heaving
  • DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis – a sort of blood clump
  • Huge Varicose Veins
  • Unfriendly Reaction: on the off chance that you have an unfavorable response either during or after a meeting you should end treatment

Reflexology Points On The Feet

Reflexology ought to consistently be seen as a reciprocal treatment, which means it is a method that can be utilized close by customary medication. It ought not to be utilized as an elective treatment where elective medication for example fragrance based treatment or hypnotherapy is utilized rather than traditional medication.

Reflexology ought not to be utilized as an independent treatment, nor should it postpone the utilization of regular medication. It should just ever be utilized as an aide to treatment, nearby deductively demonstrated medicines.

Symptoms of Reflexology

Get some answers concerning the advantages and reactions of reflexology foot knead

Everybody reacts contrastingly to reflexology treatment however individuals ordinarily report:

  • Weariness: and laziness
  • Cerebral pains: these ought to be fleeting
  • Mind-set Changes: feeling progressively enthusiastic
  • Expanded Urination: ensure you remain very much hydrated

It is imperative to relax after your treatment meeting and to pick up the most advantage it is prudent to return home and rest for an hour or thereabouts. Ensure you drink a lot of water to take out the development of poisons that are discharged during treatment.

Reflexology Foot Chart Variety

As we have talked about, one reflexology foot diagram may contrast somewhat from another – there are various adaptations of reflexology foot maps out there. They will all have organs and body parts in comparative spots, yet some might be more nitty-gritty than others including a more prominent number of areas.