Metabase Public Dashboard

Can dashboard on Superset 拥有访问 examples数据源创建的 dashboard的权限; 3、创建用户. Mainuser: 关联gamma、sqllab与main角色; examplesuser: 关联gamma、sqllab与examples角色; 用不同的用户登录查看每个用户具有的table,以及能查看到的dashboard!! I am creating a dashboard on Metabase to embed it into an application. This dashboard has two questions, one of which was created using the Metabase query builder (AOV) and the other was created using SQL (GMV). An example of using a public link to share a dashboard, with the Powered by Metabase footer. Permissions and auditing. Metabase handles permissions using groups, allowing you to control access to individual databases and tables, or to the collections containing your charts and dashboards. E.g., Granting the Accounting group access to the Orders. Discover Metabase Visualization. Our Metabase visualization layer enables you to quickly generate appealing and insightful charts that are easy to work with and can be shared within your organization or publicly with just two clicks. Our customers can also get their hands on actionable data without forking out on expensive third-party support or waiting for their scarce developers to find the.

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v0.39.0.1 / Users Guide / Interactive Dashboards

Interactive dashboards

You can customize what happens when people click on questions in your dashboard.

By default, when you create charts using Metabase’s graphical query builder, your charts automatically come with drill-through capabilities, which let folks click on a chart to explore further. But if you have a more customized click path in mind, Metabase allows you to customize what happens when a user clicks on a chart or table in your dashboard.

You can set up a dashboard card to:

  • Send the user to a custom destination: a dashboard, question, or custom URL.
  • Update a dashboard filter.

To configure this interactivity, you’ll use the click behavior option on a dashboard card.

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Customizing click behavior

Metabase Public Dashboard Template

From your dashboard, click on the pencil icon to enter dashboard edit mode. Hover over the card containing the question you want to customize. Metabase will display a menu at the top right of the card. Select the Click behavior option (the icon with the mouse cursor clicking on a card).

Metabase will slide out the Click behavior sidebar:

For questions composed using the query builder, you can select from three options:

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  • Open the Metabase action menu.
  • Go to a custom destination.
  • Update a dashboard filter (if the dashboard has a filter).

SQL questions will only have the option to Go to a custom destination, and Update a dashboard filter, as the action menu is only available to questions composed with the query builder.

If your dashboard has a filter, you’ll also see an option to update the filter.

Open the action menu

For questions composed using the query builder, the default click behavior is to open the action menu, which presents people with the option to drill through the data:

Custom destinations

You can set custom destinations for all questions, including SQL questions.

Possible destinations include:

  • Dashboards
  • Saved questions
  • URLs

Passing values to the destination

If you’re linking to a dashboard or a SQL question that has filters, you can pass values from the current dashboard to filters in the destination. Free norton antivirus download for mac.

For example, if you link to a dashboard that has a filter for Category, you can pass a value for Category from the origin question to the destination dashboard:

Once you select the column that contains the value you want to pass, the sidebar will display the column used to pass the value, as well as the target filter at the destination that Metabase will pass the value to:

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In the example above, when a user clicks on the Orders by product category card, Metabase will pass the clicked Product -> Category to the destination dashboard (“Interactive Dashboard”), which will then filter its cards by that Category. Susannah cahalan disease.

You can also send the currently selected value of a dashboard filter on the current dashboard to the destination. And if you’re using Metabase Enterprise Edition, you can pass a user attribute provided by SSO to the destination, too. Those user attributes will show up as options when you click on one of the destination’s filters (provided the values are compatible with that filter).

When displaying questions as tables, you can select different click behaviors for different columns in the table. You can also modify the contents of the cells in a given column, replacing the value with custom text. For example, if you had a column that listed categories, you could change the text in the cell to read: “Click for details about {{Category}}”, where Category is the name of your column.

You can also use values to construct URLs to external resources.

From the Click behavior sidebar, select Go to a custom destination and link to URL. The Enter a URL to link to modal will pop up, allowing you to specify a URL, as well as a column or dashboard filter.


What we need to do here is to type in the full URL of where a user should go when they click on a value in a card. But the really powerful thing we can do is to include variables in the URL. These variables will insert the value that the user clicks on into the URL.

For example, we could type a URL like this:

The important part is the {{Category}} bit. What we’re doing here is referring to the Category that the user clicked on. So if a user clicks on the Widget bar in our chart, the value of the Category column for that bar (Widget) would be inserted into our URL: Your URL can use as many column variables as you want - you can even refer to the same column multiple times in different parts of the URL. Click on the dropdown menu Values you can reference to see your options for which variables you can include in the URL.

Next we’ll click Done, then Save our dashboard. Now when we click our chart, we’ll be taken to the URL that we entered above, with the value of the clicked bar inserted into the URL.

Metabase Public Dashboard

To learn more, check out Custom destinations: choose what happens when people click on charts in your dashboard.

Use a chart to filter a dashboard

If your dashboard contains at least one filter, you can set things up so that clicking on a chart in the dashboard will update a filter.

When a user clicks on, say, a bar in a bar chart, you could send the value of the clicked bar to the filter, and update cards across the dashboard. We call this functionality cross-filtering. You can use this cross-filtering to make a chart behave as kind of “navigation question” that filters data across other cards.

For example, clicking on the Widget bar will update the current dashboard’s category filter to filter for Widget:

To set up cross-filtering, choose a dashboard filter that you’d like to update on click, and a question to use to update that filter. You can think of this question as your “navigation question.” Instead of wiring this navigation question up to the filter, you’ll wire up every other question on the dashboard to the filter.

Below, we’ll use the Orders by product category question as our navigation question, so we’ll leave this question disconnected from the filter, and connect all the other questions to the Category filter.

With your filter wired up, stay in dashboard edit mode, and hover over the question you want to use as your navigation question to filter the dashboard. Click on the click behavior icon, then select the Update a dashboard filter.

Metabase will list the filters you can update. Here we select the Category filter, and supply the value to that filter from the question’s Product -> Category column.

Click Done in the sidebar, then Save your dashboard.

Now we can use our navigation question (Orders by product category) to interactively filter the data across your dashboard. When people click on a value in the navigation question, Metabase will send the clicked value to the filter, and update every card on the dashboard by filtering them for the clicked value - every card except for the navigation question: Orders by product category. The reason we don’t want the navigation question to update is so that we can click on other bars to update the filter with a different value.

To learn more, check out Cross-filtering: using a chart to update a dashboard filter.

Next: Charts with multiple series

We’ll learn how to create charts with multiple lines, bars, and more.