Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases

Welcome to the Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases Walkthrough! Nelly is back and she’s quite grown-up! Aid her in her quest to find her brother Tom and investigate the Enchanted Canvases of Totenkraft Castle. Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here. This document begins with general game tips before getting into the complete Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with. Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun! This walkthrough was created by

  1. Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases
  2. Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases Book
  3. Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases Dvd

Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases is a hidden object game with adventure elements. As the other Artogon's games using the same engine, it forgoes the traditional list of objects, showing instead a ring with gray pictures around certain hotspots on the screen.

Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases online. Play free Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases game online at Big Fish Games Online Arcade. Find and save your brother! Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases Nelly is travelling to Romania to help her brother, Tom, who is trapped in a mysterious castle. To free Tom, Nelly must enter and explore 6 magical pictures and discover the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone. If you like Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases game, click to start Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases download. Receive Emails When Treasure Seekers Series Has New Game Released Sign-up to get informed when the Treasure Seekers series has new game released with BD Studio Games' FREE bi-weekly newsletter.



General Tips & Information

  • There are two modes of gameplay. In the “Relaxed” mode, both the “Hint” meter and the “Skip puzzle meter quickly charge, and less time is required for illuminating the next collectible item. The “Challenge” mode has a very slow charge on the “Hint” button and “Skip Puzzle” meter, and almost no other hints. You must select your desired mode when creating your profile.
  • The canvases screen is where you begin your journey. Click on the glowing canvas to enter the level. As you progress, completed canvases will be grayed. You can select these to replay the introduction scenes. The small painting on the chair will bring you back to the main menu.
  • On the game screen, you will see an area for tasks. Each task may have several smaller tasks required to complete the primary task. The “Task” tab will indicate how many tasks out of the total, you have completed. The inventory area will store items to be used when needed.
  • Your cursor will change when interactions are possible. Gears indicate a key item and an open hand icon shows that you may take an item. A face icon indicates that conversation is possible, and a puzzle piece shows the location of a puzzle or mini-game.
  • Selecting a key item will bring up a bubble with the items needed to gain access to that key item. Click on each item and then click inside the bubble, one at a time, to complete. You may also be required to collect inventory from different scenes in the level.
  • Please note that the in-game tasks are listed as they are given. You may need to complete additional tasks to accomplish a previously assigned task.

The Magic Tower

Release the Magician

  • Task – Get in the tower.
  • Select the padlock and add the key and oil can to the bubble to unlock the gate.
  • Click on the tower door to open it, and then enter the tower.
  • Rub the genie lamp to speak with the magician.
  • Task – Bring the Conversion Essence to the genie.
  • Click on the table to activate the item bubble. Notice that one of the items, the magic book, also requires items to activate. Collect the items and place them in the bubble.
  • Task – Find the Royal Blue Butterfly and place it on the table.
  • Try to take the royal blue butterfly from the upper left corner and watch it fly outside.
  • Select the grassy lawn to bring up the butterfly mini-game.
  • Match pairs of butterflies until only the royal blue butterfly remains.
  • Return to the tower and place the butterfly on the table.
  • Task – Find the Ruby Rose and put it on the table.
  • Task – Place the magic carpet on the grassy lawn.
  • Take the magic carpet that is to the left of the window.
  • Exit the tower and place the carpet on the grass.
  • Select the carpet to go to the roof and find it needs repairs.
  • Task – Repair the ragged carpet.
  • Enter the tower and locate the five scraps to use as patches.
  • Open the casket on the table and take the needle and thread.
  • Exit the tower; take the repair kit from your inventory and use it on the carpet.
  • Select the carpet to go to the roof.
  • There you find the Ruby Rose is too small and needs watering.
  • Task – Water the Ruby Rose.
  • Select the carpet to exit the roof.
  • Look at the dry fountain and the tap, which is missing a valve.
  • Enter the tower; take the watering can and the valve from the casket under the table.
  • Exit the tower and place the valve on the tap and then turn on the water.
  • Use the watering can on the fountain to gather water.
  • Select the carpet to enter the roof.
  • Use the full watering can on the rose.
  • After it grows, take the Ruby Rose.
  • Select the carpet to exit the roof.
  • Enter the tower and then place the rose on the table.
  • Task – Prepare the Unlocking Powder and open the gates.
  • Select the table to open the puzzle.
  • Open the magic book to read the recipe steps. Click on the red “X” to close the book.
  • Take the cutting board and place it in the work area.
  • Place the Ruby Rose on the cutting board and use the knife to chop it into small pieces.
  • Put the chopped rose into the small dish.
  • Place the herbs on the cutting board and use the knife to chop it into small pieces.
  • Put the chopped herbs into the small dish.
  • Move the burner under the small dish.
  • After the smoke clears, pour the contents into the mortar.
  • Use the pestle in the mortar and then pour the contents into the glass bottle.
  • Place the Royal Blue Butterfly under the microscope.
  • Use the brush on the microscope.
  • Add the butterfly dust to the glass bottle.
  • Take the bottle and use it on the locked gates.
  • Notice the Essence is locked high in a cage.
  • Take the knife from the table and go to the dungeon.
  • Use the knife to cut the rope on the right.
  • This wakes the dragon.
  • Task – Get the dragon asleep.
  • Select the violin and collect the seven items.
  • Task – Find the key and open the cage.
  • Click on the top shelf of the bookcase to open the mini-game.
  • Put the tiles in the correct time sequence to reveal the key to the cage.
  • Use the key to unlock the cage.
  • Select the glowing ball of essence and add the three items.
  • Take the bottle of essence and exit the dungeon.
  • Give the Conversion Essence to the genie.
Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases

The Sea Coast

Help the Fisherman’s Spirit

  • Task – Fix the bell.
  • Select the bell and combine the four items.
  • Ring the bell.
  • Speak with the old fisherman.
  • Select the bag and combine the items.
  • Give the bag to the old fisherman.
  • The old fisherman will then give you a key.
  • Task – Find a place for the key.
  • Select the broken ladder and replace the five missing rungs.
  • Use the key on the hanging anchor.
  • After the anchor smashes the barrel, take the crowbar.
  • Speak with the old fisherman again.
  • Task – Repair the bridge.
  • Use the crowbar on the boarded door of the house.
  • Enter the house.
  • Task – Take the axe.
  • Select the hornets nest and combine the three items.
  • Take the axe.
  • The door slams shut.
  • Select the frozen fireplace and combine the items.
  • Click on the wood in the fireplace to reveal a mini-game to the right.
  • Select the picture of the lighthouses to enter the mini-game.
  • Use the threads to fill in the same colors as the picture on the left.
  • If you make a mistake, use the thread picker to remove that color.
  • Correctly completing the sampler will reveal a key.
  • Use the key to open the chest and take the matches.
  • Use the matches on the fireplace.
  • The door opens and you can now exit.
  • Use the axe on the tree on the right edge of your screen.
  • Take the logs.
  • Use the logs to repair the bridge.
  • Walk to the lighthouse.
  • Task – Repair the machine.
  • Task – Repair the stairs.
  • Click on the broken stairs.
  • Select the rope and combine the three items.
  • Use the rope on the broken stairs.
  • Select the half-repaired stairs and combine the three items.
  • Task – Find the hammer.
  • Exit the lighthouse and enter the house.
  • Task – Clean the chimney.
  • Open the flue and combine the four items.
  • Select the chain on the trap door and locate the three items.
  • Look in the cellar and take the hammer.
  • Exit the house and enter the lighthouse.
  • Use the hammer on the half-constructed mess.
  • Select the broken lighthouse engine and combine the five items.
  • Task – Find the lever.
  • Go to the top of the lighthouse.
  • Select the crank and gather the five hex nuts.
  • Take the lever.
  • Return below and use the crank on the machine.
  • Click on the lever to activate a gears mini-game.
  • Replace all the gears so that all of them spin.
  • Return to the top of the lighthouse and take the censer.
  • Exit the lighthouse and enter the house.
  • Use the censer on the fire to gather embers.
  • Take the censer and exit the house.
  • Return to the top of the lighthouse and use the censer on the lamp.
  • Exit the lighthouse and see the ghostly boat.
  • Click on the boat to free the fisherman.

The Cursed Ship

Release the Pirate Captain’s Ghost

  • Talk to the ghost captain.
  • Task – Find the instruments.
  • Click on the captain and retrieve the navigation instruments.
  • Task – Get underwater and find the sea spirit.
  • Click on the vortex in the ocean.
  • Select the shining shell on the left to find out you need a knife.
  • Look in the crushed barrel and take the blunt knife.
  • Return to the pirate ship and look in the wooden box.
  • Sharpen the knife on the whetstone.
  • Return to the ocean floor.
  • Use the knife on the shining shell to find the crystal looking glass.
  • A stone falls, revealing a mini-game. Click on the stone to play.
  • Starting at the top and numbering across, 1-13, place the gems in this order: 7, 11, 12, 6, 8, 2, 3, 1, 5. Move the gem from 8 to 9, 4, 8. Move the gem from 11 to 10, 13, 11. (Your solution may vary.)
  • The vortex has moved to the left. You can now go to the ancient temple.
  • Select the ancient statue on the right and collect all the required items.
  • Select the ancient statue on the left and collect all the required items.
  • Two more statues arise from the ocean floor.
  • Select the center, left ancient statue and collect all the required items.
  • Select the center, right ancient statue and collect all the required items.
  • Completing the four ancient statues reveals a mini-game on the massive door.
  • Slide the pieces to form a picture.
  • Enter the stone temple.
  • Open the white box on the table on the right and find the frame.
  • Take the looking glass from the inventory and combine it with the frame.
  • Task – Find all the symbols.
  • Use the looking glass to search for symbols.
  • There are three sets of six to find. Completing the first set activates the second set.
  • The first set is marked in yellow, the second in red, and the third in green.
  • Talk to the Sea Spirit to find out he wants his medallion.
  • Task – Talk to the captain.
  • Exit the temple area and take the vortex back to the ship.
  • Talk to the captain.
  • Task- Find the medallion.
  • Select the chest to discover you need a key.
  • Task – Find the key.
  • Select the large wooden box to find you need a crowbar.
  • Task – Find the crowbar.
  • Take the vortex down into the ocean.
  • Take the crowbar from in front of the angry moray eel.
  • Return to the ship and use the crowbar on the wooden box.
  • Look inside the box and take the key.
  • Use the key on the wooden chest.
  • Look inside the wooden chest and take the fish fleeing powder.
  • Return to the ocean floor and use the powder on the moray.
  • Select the chest that the moray was guarding to move it to the center of the screen.
  • Task – Lift the chest.
  • Click on the chest and locate all the required items.
  • It's not enough, you will need another buoy.
  • Go to the temple and try to take the buoy form the left.
  • Task – Tie a rope to the buoy.
  • Leave the temple and take the vortex back to the ship.
  • Look in the hold and take the rope.
  • Return to the temple and use the rope on the buoy.
  • Take the buoy and return to the chest.
  • Use the buoy on the chest to find it requires air.
  • Task – Fill the buoy with air.
  • Place the buoy in the bubble stream, but there is not enough air.
  • Task- Loosen the stone.
  • Try to move the stone, but it will not budge.
  • Return to the ship and take the spade from the lower right.
  • Take the vortex back to the ocean floor and use the spade on the stone.
  • Place the buoy in the bubble plume to fill it with air.
  • Use the filled buoy on the chest and watch it rise to the surface.
  • Return to the ship.
  • Task- Open the chest.
  • Selecting the chest reveals a mini-game.
  • Numbering the buttons 1-8, push the buttons in this order – 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • Task- Take the medallion to the Sea Spirit.
  • Look in the chest and take the medallion.
  • Return to the temple and give the medallion to the Sea Spirit.
  • Task – Take the potion to the captain.
  • Take the potion from near the Sea spirits feet.
  • Leave the temple and return to the ship.
  • Give the potion to the captain.

The Ancient Castle

Free the Ghostly Knight

  • Select the strange, stained glass to bring up a mini-game.
  • Numbering the rings 1-4, from the inside to the outer ring, click in this order – 1 five times, 3 five times, 2 three times, and 4 once.
  • Task – Find the sword handle.
  • Try to open the bewitched door.
  • Task – Solve the Book of Runes.
  • Select the Book of Spells.
  • Task – Find the runes from the pages and use the combined rune on the bewitched door.
  • Locate the four runes shown in the book.
  • Once all four are located, they will automatically combine.
  • Use the combined rune on the bewitched door.
  • You will need to complete this process three additional times. The first set is in yellow, second in red, third in green, and fourth in purple.
  • After placing the four combined runes, take the door to the yard.
  • Clicking on the sword handle reveals that you need to lower the water.
  • Try to turn the wooden wheel to find it is jammed.
  • Select the door to the waterfall and collect all the items.
  • Go to the waterfall.
  • Turn the wooden wheel on the right.
  • You cannot reach the left wheel until the bridge is raised.
  • Task – Raise the bridge.
  • Select the bridge and locate the weights.
  • One of the weights is guarded by the statue.
  • Task – Bring flowers to the girl statue.
  • Return to the yard.
  • The flowers are wilted and need water.
  • Select the chest and collect all the items.
  • Take the bucket from the chest.
  • Select the barrel and locate all the items.
  • Use the bucket on the barrel to fill it with water.
  • Take the bucket and water the flowers.
  • Take the flowers and return to the waterfall.
  • Give the flowers to the girl statue and take the weight.
  • Combine the weight with the others to raise the bridge.
  • Turn the left wooden wheel to discover that it is broken.
  • Locate the wheel mount and combine all the items.
  • Take the wheel mount and use it on the wheel.
  • Turn the wheel and a key will be revealed above the door.
  • Click on the door to find it is rusty and needs oil.
  • Return to the yard and use the key on the gate.
  • Enter the cell and talk to the monk.
  • Task – Find the oil to open the door.
  • Select the cell door and locate all the items.
  • Take the oil and return to the waterfall.
  • Use the oil on the door to reveal a mini-game.
  • Rotate and connect all the pipes and turn on the water.
  • Return to the yard.
  • Task – Open the gate.
  • Turn the wooden wheel to open the gate and lower the water.
  • Try to take the sword handle to reveal a mini-game.
  • Turn off all the lights. Number the lights from 1-8 and select 1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8.
  • Take the sword handle and enter the church.
  • Give the sword handle to the knight. He now needs a blessing.
  • Task – Bring the blessing to the knight.
  • Exit the church and talk to the monk.
  • Task – Repair the fresco.
  • Select the fresco to reveal a mini-game.
  • Replace the pieces in this jigsaw-type puzzle.
  • Task – Bring feather and ink to the monk.
  • Leave the yard and go to the cell.
  • Select the desk and locate all the items.
  • One of the items is hidden behind the wall.
  • Task – Find the pickaxe.
  • Go to the yard and take the pickaxe from the lower left of the screen.
  • Return to the cell and use the pickaxe on the wall.
  • Take the shell and combine it with the desk items.
  • Look in the desk and take the ink pot.
  • Select the stone with the runes.
  • Task – Find the sister star.
  • Exit the cell and go to the waterfall.
  • The star is hanging from a high cage.
  • Task – Find a ladder.
  • Exit the waterfall and return to the cell.
  • Locate the ladder behind the branches.
  • Take the axe and cut the branches.
  • Take the ladder and return to the waterfall.
  • Use the ladder on the star and take it.
  • Return to the cell.
  • Use the sister star on the hanging star and see the stone move upright.
  • Look in the box and take the feather.
  • Exit the cell and give the ink and quill to the monk.
  • Take the scroll that appears by the chair and go to the church.
  • Give the blessing to the knight.

The Eerie Castle

Cure the Werewolf

  • Talk to the girl.
  • Task – Find some water and give it to the girl.
  • Open the door and enter the church.
  • Take the scoop and use it on the bucket of water.
  • Take the water outside the church and give it to the girl.
  • Task – find some food and give it to the girl.
  • Go to the castle and take the turkey.
  • Exit the castle and give the turkey to the girl.
  • Talk to the girl.
  • Task – Create the vampire safe amulet.
  • Enter the church.
  • Select the table and collect the garlic pieces.
  • You will also need to select the cross lock and locate all the items to get the last garlic piece.
  • Select the amulet to discover that we need holy water.
  • Use the scoop in the water and then on the cross to make holy water.
  • Pour the holy water on the amulet.
  • Take the amulet and exit the church.
  • Task – Find the Time Medallion in the bushes and apply it.
  • Move the bushes on the left to locate the medallion.
  • Place the medallion in the circle in the rock.
  • Click on the medallion to raise the moon.
  • Go to the castle.
  • Talk to the vampire; he wants music.
  • Turn on the gramophone.
  • Task – Pacify the spirit in the castle.
  • Exit the castle and activate the medallion to raise the sun.
  • Return to the castle.
  • Select the mirror with the spirit and locate all the items.
  • Select the painting on the right, with the spirit, and find all the items.
  • Choose the upper painting, with the spirit, and combine all the items.
  • Exit the castle and use the medallion to raise the moon.
  • Return to the castle.
  • Task – Find the Hell's Eye.
  • Exit the castle and use the medallion.
  • Enter the church and take the Hell's Eye from the upper right bookshelf.
  • Use the Hell's Eye on the candles.
  • Task – Find all the red books and bring them to the vampire.
  • Move the Hell's Eye slowly around, selecting the nine red books.
  • Exit the church and use the medallion to raise the moon.
  • Go to the castle and give the books to the vampire.
  • Task – Find the way into the Crypt.
  • Task – Find the vampire's relic.
  • Select the door to open a mini-game. You need to find the correct sequence.
  • Click on the objects in this order: bat over door, gravestone, right painting, left shield, right shield, wall chain, left sconce and then the right sconce.
  • Enter the crypt.
  • Select the vampire's coffin and locate all the items.
  • One item is hidden in the old coffins. You will be able to access them after you place the boots in the coffin's bubble.
  • Click on the old coffins and combine the items.
  • Look in the vampire’s coffin and take the relic piece.
  • Task – Bring the relic to the vampire.
  • Locate and replace all the skulls. Some skulls will require additional items.
  • Exit the crypt and give the relic piece to the vampire.
  • Select the table for a mini-game.
  • Repair the torn map in this jigsaw-style puzzle.
  • Task – Find the second piece of the relic.
  • Exit the castle and use the medallion to raise the sun.
  • Click on the spot to dig and find out you will need a spade.
  • Enter the church and take the spade from behind the ladder.
  • Exit the church and dig up the chest.
  • Select the chest for a mini-game.
  • Place the metal pieces on the board and set the dials to match the symbols.

Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases

  • Look in the chest and take the relic piece.
  • Task – Bring the complete relic to the vampire.
  • Use the medallion to raise the moon and go to the castle.
  • Give the relic to the vampire.
  • Task - Find the essence of 10 fireflies.
  • Task - Find snake's toxin.
  • Task - Find spider's toxin.
  • Task - Find scorpion's toxin.
  • Go to the crypt and capture the spider. You may have to wait for it to drop from the ceiling.
  • Exit the crypt and castle.
  • Take the net from the left side of the screen and capture 10 fireflies.
  • Enter the church and take the scorpion.
  • Exit the church and use the medallion to raise the sun.
  • Go to the castle and capture the snake.
  • Task – Start boiling the complete potion at night.
  • Go to the church and take the kettle from the rafters.
  • Leave the church and put the kettle on the fireplace.
  • Put the mixture in the kettle.
  • Use the medallion to raise the moon.
  • Enter the church and take a candle.
  • Leave the church and use the candle on the fireplace.
  • Once the mixture is boiling, use the medallion to raise the sun.
  • Take the potion and give it to the girl.

The Strange Hall

Find the Amulet and Rescue Tom

  • Talk to Tom.
  • Task – Collect the five gems to complete the Medal of Power.
  • Click on the glowing circle to take the medal.
  • Go through the left door and enter the green room.
  • Task – Plant something in the tub.
  • Select the strange nut and collect all the items.
  • Take the seeds and plant them in the soil.
  • Task – Make the tree grow.
  • Select the chemical lab and collect all the items.
  • Take the growth potion and use it on the half-grown tree.
  • Take the red room symbol from the tree.
  • Go to the hall and use the symbol on the right-most door.
  • Enter the red room.
  • Select the blinking drawer and locate the 4 gems.
  • Click on the piggy bank and locate the six coins.
  • Select the chessboard and find the five pieces.
  • Task – Find the last chess piece and place it on the board.
  • Select the clock for a mini-game.
  • Set the right clock to midnight, and a compartment will open on the middle clock.
  • Take the paper and set the middle clock to 11:00.
  • Set the left clock to 6:00, and the center clock will open to reveal a purple gemstone.
  • Place the purple gem in the center of the large window.
  • Select the shining marbles on the left wall for a mini-game.
  • Make the beam go through all the marbles and the prism.
  • Select the marbles on the right wall and repeat the process.
  • Take the purple room symbol from the center table.
  • Select the projector.
  • Task – Load the projector with film.
  • Leave the red room and place the purple room symbol on the second door from the left.
  • Enter the purple room.
  • Select the broken dynamo and the crack in the floor. Locate all the items.

Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases Book

  • Click on the hamster-powered dynamo.
  • Task – Start the dynamo.
  • Look in the hole in the floor and take the key.
  • Leave the purple room and go to the green room.
  • Select the hamster cage.
  • Task – Locate a hamster.
  • Use the key on the safe, and it will break.
  • Select the safe and locate all the items.
  • Take the hamster key and unlock the cage.
  • Take the hamster and exit the room.
  • Go to the purple room and place the hamster in the dynamo.
  • Look at the floating ball and take the first gem for the Medal of Power.
  • Select the bookcase and locate all the books.
  • Click on the bookcase again for a mini-game.
  • Place the red books in numerical order. This is using a base 4 system.
  • Take the film and go to the hall.
  • Enter the red room and use the film on the projector.
  • Select the projector for a mini-game.
  • Align the three images using the dials.
  • Take the second gem for the Medal of Power.
  • Take the yellow room symbol from the center table.
  • Go to the hall and use the yellow room symbol on the third door from the left.
  • Enter the yellow room.
  • Select the easel and the globe, and locate all the items.
  • Take the painting and place it in the frame.
  • Look at the telescope.
  • Task – Find a lens for the telescope.
  • Select the painting to enter the secret room.
  • Talk to Tom.
  • Task – Find a way to set Tom free.
  • Click on the switch and locate all the items.
  • Take the flashlight battery.
  • Task – Charge the battery.
  • Leave the secret room and go to the purple room.
  • Select the broken charger and combine all the items.
  • Place the battery in the repaired charger.
  • Take the battery when it glows green.
  • Return to the secret room.
  • Replace the battery and push the button.
  • Talk to Tom.
  • Take the chess piece from the cabinet.
  • Exit the secret room and go to the red room.
  • Place the chess piece on the chessboard.
  • Look in the hole in the floor and take the lens.
  • Exit the red room and go to the yellow room.
  • Place the lens on the telescope.
  • Select the telescope to find a mini-game.
  • Use the viewfinder to locate the planets and spin the model planets to match.
  • Take the third gem for the Medal of Power.
  • Task- Go see Tom.
  • Select the painting to enter the secret room.
  • Talk to Tom.
  • Take the scarab bug.
  • Leave the secret room and go to the green room.
  • Use the scarab on the pyramid.
  • Select the pyramid box for a mini-game.
  • Place all the shapes in the box.
  • Take the fourth gem for the medal of power.
Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases
  • Exit the green room and return to the secret room.
  • Talk to Tom.
  • Click on the table to reveal a mini-game.
  • Assemble the machine according to the plans.
  • Task – Use the trap on the evil mage.
  • Exit the room and return to the hall.
  • Use the trap on Totenkraft.
  • Take the fifth gem from the center of the ring.
  • Stage one – apply objects to their proper symbols or elements.
  • Put the leaves on the green symbol.
  • Move the candle to the yellow symbol.
  • Place the feather on the gray symbol.
  • Put the water on the blue symbol.
  • Stage two – rotate the circles to complete the color patterns.

Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases Dvd

  • Stage three – Place the medallion crystals in the correct spots. Match the crystal with the same color.
  • Take the Philosopher's Stone.

Enscape mac download. Created at: 2009-05-27