Weak Heartbeat

Author Ольга Кияница


Weak Heartbeat On Ultrasound

It makes me feel so weak. Oh it really makes me wanna freak. (My heart beats for the one I love) ‘Cause you’re so sweet, sweet enough to eat. (My heart beats for the one I love. Composition 'Heartbeat' is a post-disco song, which runs for 9 minutes and 34 seconds for the 12-inch 'Club version' mixed by Levan. It is set in common time and has a tempo of 100 beats per minute. Despite praised for its 'hip-shaking, booty-bumpin' beats and rhythms' and hook-ladden lyrics, it was considered peculiar at the time due to its slow tempo, 'dizzy' vocal delivery and dissonant. If your pulse is very low or if you have frequent episodes of unexplained fast heart rates, especially if they cause you to feel weak or dizzy or faint, tell your doctor, who can decide if it’s an emergency. Your pulse is one tool to help get a picture of your health. Weak Heart, Strong Love (YiZhan) ON HIATUS Teen Fiction. XIAO ZHAN since young had a disease Arrhythmia and didn't had a cheerful childhood as other kids. He was the only son of one of the richest businessmen in China but he lacked happiness until he got admitted to University of Beijing, China.

Cardiologists are often asked about the treatment of a weak pulse. But there are situations when you can not immediately consult a doctor, so it is useful to have a general knowledge of what to do when slowing heart activity. In some cases, timely assistance helps save a person's life or himself.


A weak pulse in the medical language is defined as a 'bradycardia.'Most often, if you have it, there are no special difficulties with your health.A person may feel a slight weakness, but overall the condition will be good.But sometimes, in addition to a weak pulse, low blood pressure is determined, and then a less favorable prognostic conclusion is given.

The average pulse rate is 60-100 beats per minute, although 55 and 45 beats / min may be considered a variant of the norm, if a person feels well at the same time.

The pulse is determined quickly and easily.If you put the index and middle fingers on your wrist, you can feel the pulse and, after calculating the beats in one minute, you will know its frequency.With a rhythmic, even filling of the pulse, you can count not 60 sec, but 15 sec and after multiplying by 4 also find the desired index.

Video: Svetlana Strelnikova How to help the body if the weak pulse and bradycardia?

Causes of a weak pulse

There are serious diseases and pathological conditions, which are accompanied by a weak pulse.First of all it is:

  • shock state;
  • weakening of the body after long-term illnesses;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • various poisoning;
  • supercooling;
  • malformations, myocarditis and other heart diseases;
  • brain tumors, meningitis and other pathologies of the nervous system.

A weak pulse can be observed during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.This is often due to the fact that the increasing size of the uterus squeezes a hollow vein.If a woman besides a weak pulse does not bother anymore, then no specific treatment is required.

Girls who are long on a strict diet for weight loss can also celebrate a lowered pulse.Also, bradycardia occurs with internal bleeding, hormonal disorders, lack of physical activity or impaired nutrition.

Symptoms of a weak pulse

With a lowered pulse, there is insufficiently active blood circulation in various organs and systems, and the brain primarily suffers from this.
Cells do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which causes neurological disorders.

The main symptoms of a weak pulse:

  • Decreased ability to work
  • General weakness
  • Dizziness

Vertigo is part of a larger symptom complex, which is most often associated with heart disease.Often occurs against the background of a bradycardia, when the electrical conductivity of the myocardium is disturbed.

Sometimes, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland also determines a reduced pressure and a weak pulse.Such symptoms can develop with anemia, heart failure, and starvation.Also, some medications provoke a decrease in the pulse, and in severe cases - a cardiac arrest.

Additional symptoms of a weak pulse .

  • Headache

With a combination of low heart rate and hypotension (low blood pressure), there is often a headache.It is characterized by a constant or paroxysmal course, against which the patient often has anxiety.This, in turn, further worsens his condition.In addition, there may be inferior sleep, bad mood and irritability.The provoking factors in such cases are nerve strains, inactivity, weather changes, infectious diseases.

  • Arrhythmia with a weak pulse
Weak Heartbeat

With a disturbed heart rhythm that developed against a background of a weak pulse, they talk about arrhythmia.In addition, the patient may be concerned about chest pain and shortness of breath.Quite often throws in cold sweat.A similar condition is a marker of another, more severe, cardiovascular disease.

  • Low body temperature

This symptom is often combined with a low pulse and may indicate a latent serious illness.Sometimes this change is preceded by a sharp decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.In other cases, dysfunction of the immune system or exacerbation of a chronic disease is determined.In addition to low temperature and a weak pulse, there may be inappropriate coordination, drowsiness, chills, and heightened anxiety.

Ways to normalize the pulse at home

When there is no way to get immediate medical attention, you can take appropriate measures to increase your pulse.

  • Caffeinated products (boiled coffee, green tea, chocolate, espresso, cocoa)

Caffeine helps increase blood pressure and heart rate.But if a weak pulse is detected against a background of high blood pressure, then taking caffeine is not recommended.

  • Tonic tinctures from ginseng, guarana, eleutherococcus

The effect of these drugs is manifested in increasing the tone of the body as a whole and blood pressure in particular.But it is necessary to take into account the same limitations as with caffeine, because often the pressure rises, while the pulse does not recover.

  • Spicy food with horseradish, hot pepper or mustard

Seasonings of this type contribute to an improvement in blood flow, which indirectly affects the heart rate.It should be understood that this measure is not suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since acute food contributes to exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.

  • Physical activity

Increase the pulse can help a little workout in the gym.The only thing, this variant does not approach at presence of heart diseases incompatible with fiznagruzkami.It happens that the pulse goes down due to lack of mobility (for example, a person just woke up or was on a long trip), in this case, light exercises or a walk in the fresh air will help.

  • Mustard Compress

You can use a mustard plaster, which you need to attach to the right side of the chest.The created heat will start to stimulate the blood flow, which in turn will help normalize the pulse.

In extreme cases, when these methods do not help to normalize the pulse, medicines are used.These are sympathomimetic and anticholinergic drugs, which are prescribed by a doctor, while self-medication is fraught with side effects.

Medicamentous treatment of a weak pulse

In patients with a marked or suspected slow pulse, a thorough assessment of the possible causes described above should be made.Particular attention is paid to the list of drugs and potential factors of exposure.Laboratory and instrumental studies can be prescribed: a blood test, ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

An ECG is required, which allows you to determine the nature of the electrical activity of the heart as accurately as possible.

Sometimes Holter monitoring is assigned, in which a day or three are worn by a device that fixes the electrical activity of the heart throughout this time.Further, the analysis of the obtained data is carried out and a decision is made about the presence or absence of rhythm disorders.

Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) can be performed to evaluate the structure and function of the heart.

The tactics of treating a weak pulse depend on the severity and symptoms.First of all, the causes of the disorder and the possibility of their treatment or elimination are determined.If medications are ineffective, resort to the built-in driver rhythm.Installation of a pacemaker is carried out according to the following indications:

  • Increased cardiac and myocardial weakness
  • Long pauses in the heartbeat or rhythm that can lead to cardiac arrest.

The choice of a pacemaker for patients with a weak pulse depends on the individual characteristics of the individual patient and the severity of the blockade in carrying out cardiac pulses.

Video: What if the pulse is low?

Heart disease often develops over time. You may have early signs or symptoms long before you have serious heart problems. Or, you may not realize you are developing heart disease. The warning signs of heart disease may not be obvious. Also, not every person has the same symptoms.

Certain symptoms, such as chest pain, ankle swelling, and shortness of breath may be signals that something is wrong. Learning the warning signs can help you get treatment and help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Chest pain is discomfort or pain that you feel along the front of your body, between your neck and upper abdomen. Celtx download mac. There are many causes of chest pain that have nothing to do with your heart.

Weak Heartbeat Symptoms

But chest pain is still the most common symptom of poor blood flow to the heart or a heart attack. This type of chest pain is called angina.

Chest pain can occur when the heart is not getting enough blood or oxygen. The amount and type of pain can vary from person to person. The intensity of the pain does not always relate to how severe the problem is.

Weak heartbeat sounds
  • Some people may feel a crushing pain, while others feel only mild discomfort.
  • Your chest may feel heavy or like someone is squeezing your heart. You may also feel a sharp, burning pain in your chest.
  • You may feel the pain under your breastbone (sternum), or in your neck, arms, stomach, jaw, or upper back.
  • Chest pain from angina often occurs with activity or emotion, and goes away with rest or a medicine called nitroglycerin.
  • Bad indigestion can also cause chest pain.

Women, older adults, and people with diabetes may have little or no chest pain. They are more likely to have symptoms other than chest pain, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • General weakness
  • Change in skin color or greyish pallor (episodes of change in skin color associated with weakness)

Other symptoms of a heart attack can include:

  • Extreme anxiety
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating too fast or irregularly)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating, which may be very heavy

When the heart can't pump blood as well as it should, blood backs up in the veins that go from the lungs to the heart. Fluid leaks into the lungs and causes shortness of breath. Best paint brush for trim. This is a symptom of heart failure.

You may notice shortness of breath:

  • During activity
  • While you're resting
  • When you're lying flat on your back -- it may even wake you from sleep

Coughing or wheezing that doesn't go away can be another sign that fluid is building up in your lungs. You may also cough up mucus that is pink or bloody.

Swelling (edema) in your lower legs is another sign of a heart problem. When your heart doesn't work as well, blood flow slows and backs up in the veins in your legs. This causes fluid to build up in your tissues.

You may also have swelling in your stomach or notice some weight gain.

Narrowing of the blood vessels that bring blood to other parts of the body may mean you have a much higher risk for heart attack. It can occur when cholesterol and other fatty material (plaque) build up on the walls of your arteries.

Poor blood supply to the legs may lead to:

  • Pain, achiness, fatigue, burning, or discomfort in the muscles of your feet, calves, or thighs.
  • Symptoms that often appear during walking or exercise, and go away after several minutes of rest.
  • Numbness in your legs or feet when you are at rest. Your legs may also feel cool to the touch, and the skin may look pale.

A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain stops. A stroke is sometimes called a 'brain attack.' Symptoms of stroke can include difficulty moving the limbs on one side of your body, one side of the face drooping, difficulty with speaking or understanding language.

Tiredness can have many causes. Often it simply means that you need more rest. But feeling run down can be a sign of a more serious problem. Fatigue may be a sign of heart trouble when:

  • You feel much more tired than normal. It's common for women to feel severely tired before or during a heart attack.
  • You feel so tired that you can't do your normal daily activities.
  • You have sudden, severe weakness.

If your heart can't pump blood as well, it may beat faster to try to keep up. You may feel your heart racing or throbbing. A fast or uneven heartbeat can also be the sign of an arrhythmia. This is a problem with your heart rate or rhythm.

If you have any signs of heart disease, call your health care provider right away. Don't wait to see if the symptoms go away or dismiss them as nothing.

Call your local emergency number (such as 911) if:

  • You have chest pain or other symptoms of a heart attack
  • If you know you have angina and have chest pain that doesn't go away after 5 minutes of rest or after taking nitroglycerine
  • If you think you may be having a heart attack
  • If you become extremely short of breath
  • If you think you may have lost consciousness

Angina - heart disease warning signs; Chest pain - heart disease warning signs; Dyspnea - heart disease warning signs; Edema - heart disease warning signs; Palpitations - heart disease warning signs

Fihn SD, Blankenship JC, Alexander KP, et al. 2014 ACC/AHA/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS focused update of the guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, and the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Circulation. 2014;130(19):1749-1767. PMID: 25070666 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25070666.

Weak Heartbeat Causes

Goff DC Jr, Lloyd-Jones DM, Bennett G, et al. 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the assessment of cardiovascular risk: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2014;129(25 Suppl 2):S49-S73. PMID: 24222018 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24222018.

Gulati M, Bairey Merz CN. Cardiovascular disease in women. In: Zipes DP, Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, Tomaselli GF, Braunwald E, eds. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 89.

Weak Heartbeat Symptoms

Morrow DA, de Lemos JA. Stable ischemic heart disease. In: Zipes DP, Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, Tomaselli GF, Braunwald E, eds. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 61.

Weak Heartbeat 6 Weeks

Updated by: Michael A. Chen, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.